Bharath Raja

I Code, I Travel and I Tell Stories

Ponder → Explore → Examine → Reflect → Evolve → Repeat

I go by bigOmega

I Explore

I love exploring untouched zones, through every means and medium possible, like trying out a new sport or instrument or anything new. I thoroughly enjoy the thrill of adventures. I also love travelling and so for the past couple of years I’ve been riding all around south India in my dad’s bike.

I have a lust for mountain climbing, so I trek whenever I can. Here’s an awesome post on my life lessons from a Himalayan trek. I recently started running and I feel it’s one way to explore the self. I’m very open minded and thus have flexible morals. Regardless of how it sounds, it helps me gel easily with any kind of person and I love it.

Here are some of my favorite travel pics...

I Express

I try to express my thoughts through Art. I love drawing especially when I’m upset. I love holding my pencil, curving through paper and feel it’s friction create a figure. I'm also into sculpting, though I haven’t done much except this Batman model. Here’s my collection and I plan to keep creating more of these. I also do digital art and that’s more out of passion than expression, including some experiments with CSS.

I’m also a pretty vocal person (see twitter). Being expressive comes out as very offensive most times, so I’m usually very polite. I’m an existentialist and I treasure deep and thoughtful long conversations more than anything else. Yes I treasure every single one of them. I’m not a consistent reader but I write on tech, travel and life in general.

I Solve


I Design

There are two aspects of design, the verb and the noun. I design solutions to problems by various means from todo lists to system architectures. I also do design to simplify and improve the experience of people in their daily life. And I think great and innovative design can make an impact like no other. I love visualizations, even those which serves no purpose. I enjoy crafting perspectives out of data, not always to predict the future, but to understand the present. I do experience and visual design, software mostly. Been designing enterprise software for the past 2 years, on and off. I’ve also done a bit of T-shirt, poster and logo design and I’m open to try others too. I freelance when I can.

I Develop

I’m a language agnostic programmer and I love problem solving in general. I excel in front-end (JS) primarily because I love interfaces but I also jump into backend as and when required. I’ve developed a handful of enterprise products and contributed to a bunch of OSS - OpenSourceSoftware (my Github). I’ve automated a bunch of tracking in my life like my bank balance but I don’t publish it because the codebase usually has sensitive information (Big story, I’ll blog about it later). But here’s a public one, tracking and visualizing the prize pool increase for Dota Internationals 2016. Oh, btw, I have a bachelor’s in Computer Science.

I Play

I’m a huge PC gamer ever since I was a sweet little kid, though I've started streaming my game plays just recently. I started off my journey into gaming as Dangerous Dave and Visor in Quake 3 and now I follow almost every genre, fps, moba, rpg, rts, racing, survival, stealth, simulation, sport, every damn thing. And I like them all equally :D I just never had a chance to follow horror since the Doom 3. I’m also a 2.8k mmr Dota player which I’ve been playing since 2009. On any day I’d argue that playing a well designed single player campaign is the equivalent of reading a well written book (eg., Witcher 3).

With respect to sports, I used to play soccer a lot back in college and I enjoyed it. I’ve laid my hands on most other sports too. But I don’t find time these days except for ping pong in office.

Major area of work

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UX/UI Design
My work split

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